Review Ended my cousin's life

Review for:
Naja Wadih Jean

Ended my cousin's life
He prescribed the following meds to my cousin who was bipolar:

Zeldox 60 mg
Venlax XR150
Topamax 100 mg
Rivotril 2 mg
Acamprosate 333 mg
Perphenazine 8 mg

Perphenazine was the last addition to the already long list.

"Perphenazine and Zeldox cause a dangerous abnormal heart rhythm. High likelihood serious or life-threatening interaction"
"Perphenazine and Venlax cause a dangerous abnormal heart rhythm. High likelihood serious or life-threatening interaction"

She was on Perphenazine for only 4 days before she died of cardiac arrest. The death report also mentioned high levels of sodium, meaning her kidneys were not functioning well from all the pills he had her on. High sodium also causes abnormal heart rhythm.

Thank you Doctor for giving her a deadly cocktail that ended her young life.

One day doctors in Lebanon will learn that there is no cure for mental illness no matter how much you drug your patients. Spend more time helping the patient manage and cope wit their illness instead of drugging them.
Thank you doctor for destroying my family.

This dr is a human waste

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