Wezank - Dbayeh, Lebanon
0.00 Reviews
Company name
Street, Dbayeh, Lebanon
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Working hours
- Monday: 10 AM - 5 PM
- Tuesday: 10 AM - 5 PM
- Wednesday: 10 AM - 5 PM
- Thursday: 10 AM - 5 PM
- Friday: Closed
- Saturday: Closed
- Sunday: Closed
Establishment year
1-10E-mail address
Company description
At Wezank, we create stunning and effective explainer videos that generate impressive results. We start by gathering information about your concept and analyzing it to create a creative and straightforward explainer video. We then write a script that accurately describes your idea in any language suitable for your animated video. To capture the perfect sound for your project, we recruit a talented voice-over artist with a tone that matches the needs of your project and record the dialogue. Our storyboard artist then creates quick sketches to give you an idea of what the animation will look like before we begin animating. This is the most exciting part as the video starts to come to life with illustrated moving characters and objects. Lastly, we bring the voice, animation, and sounds together to create a perfect video that explains your idea!
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