Neur0s - Batroun, Lebanon
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Liban-Nord, Batroun, Lebanon
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Company description
Introducing The MorningBook - the revolutionary new app that will revolutionize the way you consume information! With The MorningBook, you can centralize all your Twitter, email, Facebook, YouTube, news websites, and RSS feeds in one easy-to-use platform. Plus, the app is smart enough to know which information is the most relevant to you, and when to show it. For example, if there is a Tweet mentioning a product you've been wanting, it will be pushed to the forefront to grab your attention. The same goes for a beautiful video that has the potential to make your day. The MorningBook also knows how to identify and group similar items, and can learn and improve with interaction. Best of all, it solves the filtering problem so you don't have to waste time sifting through clutter.
At the
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heart of The MorningBook is a powerful algorithm called Neur0s. Neur0s uses a mathematical technique to allow computers to understand and process the stream of information. This advanced algorithm allows computers to intuitively recognize and group similar items, and rank them by importance. Ultimately, Neur0s' mission is to create a complete solution so you can access the information you need, when you need it, without having to search for it. Neur0s is a privately held startup incorporated in Lebanon.Reviews
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