Jujule Lemonie - Beirut, Lebanon
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Company name
Jujule Lemonie
Mazraat Yachouh, main road, cabbabe center, Beirut, Lebanon
Contact number
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Working hours
- Monday: 10:00 am - 8:00 pm
- Tuesday: 10:00 am - 8:00 pm
- Wednesday: 10:00 am - 8:00 pm
- Thursday: 10:00 am - 8:00 pm
- Friday: 10:00 am - 8:00 pm
- Saturday: 10:00 am - 8:00 pm
- Sunday: Closed
Contact Person
Chady YounanCompany manager
Chady YounanEstablishment year
1-5E-mail address
Company description
Launched by Chady Younan & Joelle Ghoul in 2009. Jujule Lemonie’s debut was with the multifunctional “Frame of Mind” which was a big success enticing us to expand our new product covering every woman’s desire with unique tops, dresses, and realize our vision of having a full clothing line designed and manufactured in Lebanon.
We vow to offer you the outfits you need to make you feel confident, happy, and comfortable in your own skin.
As a team, we worked so hard to always strive for uniqueness, to stay true to our beliefs and vision.
Jujule is keen on making your shopping experience a memorable one, with an inspiring display and a free styling service.
We are driven by our love for fashion, and by our passion for creating unique urban chic looks and striking
Launched by Chady Younan & Joelle Ghoul in 2009. Jujule Lemonie’s debut was with the multifunctional “Frame of Mind” which was a big success enticing us to expand our new product covering every woman’s desire with unique tops, dresses, and realize our vision of having a full clothing line designed and manufactured in Lebanon.
We vow to offer you the outfits you need to make you feel confident, happy, and comfortable in your own skin.
As a team, we worked so hard to always strive for uniqueness, to stay true to our beliefs and vision.
Jujule is keen on making your shopping experience a memorable one, with an inspiring display and a free styling service.
We are driven by our love for fashion, and by our passion for creating unique urban chic looks and striking
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outfits... and for that same reason a “Jujule woman” is remarkable, eccentric, and exceptional.Location map
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