Dr. Hicham Mouallem - Beirut, Lebanon
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Listing - +6Years
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Dr. Hicham Mouallem
928 Omar Daouk Street, Beirut, Lebanon
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Working hours
- Monday: 09:00 am - 19:00 pm
- Tuesday: 09:00 am - 19:00 pm
- Wednesday: 09:00 am - 19:00 pm
- Thursday: 09:00 am - 19:00 pm
- Friday: 09:00 am - 19:00 pm
- Saturday: 09:00 am - 02:00 pm
- Sunday: Closed
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Dr. Hicham MouallemCompany manager
Dr. Hicham MouallemEstablishment year
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Company description
Dr. Hicham Mouallem is known and respected for his skill in the surgical techniques of facial rejuvenation and body contouring. His skill as a surgeon and artistic sensitivity, combined with the latest technology, has helped thousands of his patients look younger and feel better.
Mr. Mouallem is recognized as an authority on the latest advances in cosmetic surgery techniques. He is on the GMC special register and is also board certificated in Italy, Belgium and Lebanon (Beirut). He is an International Independent Cosmetic Surgeon performing surgeries in London, Italy, Beirut and Riyadh. He is known for his innovative techniques that achieve natural and beautiful results on the face, breast and body. His goal is to provide a natural and long-lasting result with less recovery time. Mr.
Mr. Mouallem is recognized as an authority on the latest advances in cosmetic surgery techniques. He is on the GMC special register and is also board certificated in Italy, Belgium and Lebanon (Beirut). He is an International Independent Cosmetic Surgeon performing surgeries in London, Italy, Beirut and Riyadh. He is known for his innovative techniques that achieve natural and beautiful results on the face, breast and body. His goal is to provide a natural and long-lasting result with less recovery time. Mr.
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Mouallem attended medical school in Italy where he obtained his degree in Medicine. He then completed an internship in general surgery at Ancona University in Italy and a further internship in plastic and reconstructive surgery. His training in cosmetic surgery includes a degree from the most important school of plastic and cosmetic surgery in Rio de Janeiro under the highly experienced Prof Pitanguy and Dr.Farid Hakme – the most respected surgeons in Brazilian cosmetic surgery and presidents of the Brazilian society of plastic and aesthetic surgery. Mr. Mouallem brings more than 15 years of combined surgical experience which includes not only cosmetic surgery but reconstructive surgery on the breast and abdomen. Mr. Mouallem has successfully undertaken many cosmetic procedures, particularly breast augmentation, using the Dual Plane Technique, an innovative new procedure. He has a special interest in the development of minimally invasive surgery for breast uplift and reduction procedures and the ‘S’ facelift procedure and recently the One Stitch Facelift which is very popular for its effective results and minimal recovery. He has received hands-on training with Dr. Alfredo Hoyos in Colombia in the latest techniques of Vaser High Definition liposculpture and is taking on a large number of cases all around the world adding to his experience and high rate of patient satisfaction.Listed in categories
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