Cadres Consulting Engineers - Beirut, Lebanon
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Cadres Consulting Engineers
first floor, Remmo Building,Wata Msaytbeh, Beirut, Lebanon
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Ziad K HajjarEstablishment year
16-25E-mail address
Company description
Bureau Engineer Ziad HAJJAR CADRES Consulting Engineers was established in 1993, but its staff has more than 20 years of experience in the different fields of engineering. The main activities of this bureau are:
Hydraulic Works including Potable Water, Irrigation Projects, Sewage Networks Design and Supervision, Water Treatment, Water Control, Reservoirs, Pumping Stations, Roads and Highways, Electrical Works including Electrical Sub-Stations & High and Medium Voltage Transmission Lines, low voltage electrical works such as Fire alarm, Public address, CCTV, etc… Building Management Systems (BMS), Tele-Transmission and Monitoring Systems, Building and all types of Civil Engineering Sectors...
Works also cover fields of Economic Feasibility Studies as well as Master Plans
As one of the highly valued consultation and design offices in Lebanon, Cadres Consulting Engineers, Ziad K. Hajjar have been classified in the 1st degree (highest rank) in many Lebanese government departments such as the Council for Development & Reconstruction (C.D.R.), the Ministry of Hydraulic & Electrical Resources, the Ministry of Public Works, the Ministry of Housing, the Ministry of Technical Education and the Ministry of Displaced Population.
Also CADRES Consulting Engineers, Ziad K. Hajjar, is highly recognized among international organizations and is classified among international organizations such as the World Bank, FAO, European Community Projects & other international agencies.
In addition to the above mentioned international organizations and governmental departments, our clients extend to reach other private engineering offices and private investors.
Much of our work comes from repeated contracts with clients we have worked with for many years - something we are very proud of - but we are always keen to talk to new partners about how our skills could benefit their business or achieve their requirements.
Hydraulic Works including Potable Water, Irrigation Projects, Sewage Networks Design and Supervision, Water Treatment, Water Control, Reservoirs, Pumping Stations, Roads and Highways, Electrical Works including Electrical Sub-Stations & High and Medium Voltage Transmission Lines, low voltage electrical works such as Fire alarm, Public address, CCTV, etc… Building Management Systems (BMS), Tele-Transmission and Monitoring Systems, Building and all types of Civil Engineering Sectors...
Works also cover fields of Economic Feasibility Studies as well as Master Plans
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elaboration.As one of the highly valued consultation and design offices in Lebanon, Cadres Consulting Engineers, Ziad K. Hajjar have been classified in the 1st degree (highest rank) in many Lebanese government departments such as the Council for Development & Reconstruction (C.D.R.), the Ministry of Hydraulic & Electrical Resources, the Ministry of Public Works, the Ministry of Housing, the Ministry of Technical Education and the Ministry of Displaced Population.
Also CADRES Consulting Engineers, Ziad K. Hajjar, is highly recognized among international organizations and is classified among international organizations such as the World Bank, FAO, European Community Projects & other international agencies.
In addition to the above mentioned international organizations and governmental departments, our clients extend to reach other private engineering offices and private investors.
Much of our work comes from repeated contracts with clients we have worked with for many years - something we are very proud of - but we are always keen to talk to new partners about how our skills could benefit their business or achieve their requirements.
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