Georges N Tabet Et Fils - Beirut, Lebanon
Georges N Tabet Et Fils
1 Review
Georges N Tabet Et FilsGround floor, Eid & Jbeileh building, Achrafieh street, Achrafieh sector961-1-320106
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Georges N Tabet Et Fils
Ground floor, Eid & Jbeileh building, Achrafieh street, Achrafieh sector, Beirut, Lebanon
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Georges N Tabet Et FilsGround floor, Eid & Jbeileh building, Achrafieh street, Achrafieh sector961-1-320106
Georges Tabet Et Fils has the "worst" i mean non-existant customer service after sale. They should change their sales people in their boutique in Achrafieh and in their offices or send them for a professional training. I bought 2 SUPRELLE pillows for 100USD EACH from their boutique in Achrafieh. After 3months (ONLY) the pillows' inside cotton had decomposed and it was full of small separated cotton. Upon returning it to them and explaning the problem, the sales looked at the pillows and her first comment was "these are not from us", second comment was "this looks as if the label was removed and the pillow was stitched back". After calmly explaining to them that I would not have wasted time from my life to return pillows that were not from them they finally accepted to send them to the office so that the "upper management" can have a look at them. Next day, no one called. The day after i called and the sales in the store told me that "management said yes it's normal that they become like that after washing them". Problem was i NEVER WASHED THEM (but of course incompetent sales didn't get the brief right from the start). So I decided to call the office myself and after a lot of going back and forth their solution was "you can buy other new pillows and we will grant you a 50% discount". Of course i told them this was an unacceptable solution so instead of trying to retain me as a customer, they never called me, never said anything. Apparently they didn't take their 101 marketing class that says that the "client is king" or that bad word of mouth can be REALLY REALLY bad on a company's success... Allez Hop!
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