Geryes Taxi - Beirut, Lebanon
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Company name
Geryes Taxi
Adib Ishak Street Achrafieh, Beirut, Lebanon
Contact number
Mobile phone
Working hours
- Monday: 24 hrs
- Tuesday: 24 hrs
- Wednesday: 24 hrs
- Thursday: 24 hrs
- Friday: 24 hrs
- Saturday: 24 hrs
- Sunday: 24 hrs
Company description
Geryes Taxi is not a simple transportation taxi company because they also provide touristic services. They gather drivers that are well trained to guide you to the best touristic places in Lebanon and have all kinds of cars, mini vans, pullmans , pick ups, wedding cars with a special Limousine Cabriolet. Also, they have a Range Rover, fully equipped with music equipment for all your occasions.
Geryes Taxi provide all kind of transportation services, covering all of the Lebanese and Syrian areas.
Geryes Taxi provide all kind of transportation services, covering all of the Lebanese and Syrian areas.
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Questions & Answers
How it costs from toubieh rue damas to zouk mosbeh christ roi taxi
How does it coast from kahaleh to airport?
How does it coast from kahaleh to airport?
How does it coast from ashrafieh to beit l chaar ?
What to pay from airport to manarah?
Verified Business
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