Modern Hotel Falougha - Baabda, Lebanon

3 Reviews
Modern Hotel Falougha
Modern Hotel Falougha
Modern Hotel Falougha
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Hotel name
Modern Hotel Falougha
Falougha Main Road, Falougha, Baabda, Mount Lebanon, Lebanon
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Company description
For adventurers and nature lovers that want to enjoy a traditional old-fashioned stay for the best economic price.

A bit about us:

Our old Family Hotel is located in one of the most beautiful villages of the Metn area. Built in 1934 as a private house and converted to a hotel in the 60´s. It still preserves the same old fashion style and decoration just as it was when it first opened.

It's a normal small charming hotel, has 22 rooms to receive families or groups of friends. Some rooms can be connected to each other and all have big or small balconies with wonderful views, clean beds and hot water. A big self-service cafeteria space is put on the disposal of our guests to cook and eat. Just beside it, is the amazing terrace with its famous huge Sindién tree to relax under its  
Show more shadow, spend the morning and have your sobhiyeh or breakfast and maybe some fresh fruits from our garden, or afternoon to have your shisha or tea; and evening to just enjoy the silence and the beautiful starry sky. Our guests always feel that they're at home and part of the family cause it's a perfect place for people who love to spend few days and experience the simple different relaxing life.

Prices: $25 to $35 depending on the duration un number of guests.
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3 Reviews
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An experience indeed.
I had a blast the truth is. Was very sceptic if I will like it or not but really it was a great experience. Like camping but with a bed and bathroom. Cool for people who likes adventure and new experiences. The village is so nice and lot of activities around in the area. The view from the hotel is breathtaking and the owners are wonderful and generous people. We would love to come back one day.
Thank you for your review Mr. Lakkis and hope to see you again soon.
support authentic hotels in lebanon
this hotel is authentic very old but nice the location is beautiful close by to a lively strip of restaurants 5 minutes walk and have the best view breath taking trying hard to keep going and when I stayed there with my 2 boys we felt at home comfotable sleep and you could cook your own food which is a benefit sometime for families.
I wish the owners the best and for more growth in the near future.

thank you modern hotel for your hospitality
Thank you Mrs.Eido for your lovely comment and nice words. We always look forward to have you and your family in our hotel. Ahla wsahla anytime.
Nice Beautiful hotel to sleep and enjoy the terraceand the views from it's balconies. They don't have a restaurant or room service, it's all self service and they have a hall with fridges and cooking area and a place for barbeque and tables and chairs to use as we want. In total we passed a very nice weekend and it was really different and special.

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