Ferri Ahmed & Sons Co - Tripoli, Lebanon
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Company name
Ferri Ahmed & Sons Co
Gemmayzate st, Tripoli, Lebanon
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1959E-mail address
Company description
Our beginning was in 1959, in the old city of Tripoli, where a small store selling all kinds of antiques, gifts, chandeliers and special decorative items was established.
Days go by, and all that our founder Ahmad Ferri seeks is to associate his brand with credibility and quality. Once "Ferri" was established locally, both the new and old generations started collaborations to achieve success locally and internationally. We turned our attention to the newest innovations offered by the west in order to ensure the fulfillment of local tastes.
With the end of the Lebanese Civil war, it was time for the company to expand into larger markets in Lebanon, thus the first outlet was established in Mar Maroun. The new found space helped in introducing new offerings such as furniture, where a
With business growing, the need for more outlets was a necessity, and thus the obvious expansion towards Lebanon's capital Beirut. Moreover, representation offices in Syria, Saudi Arabia, Dubai and Qatar were set up to serve more tastes in the Arab World.
Days go by, and all that our founder Ahmad Ferri seeks is to associate his brand with credibility and quality. Once "Ferri" was established locally, both the new and old generations started collaborations to achieve success locally and internationally. We turned our attention to the newest innovations offered by the west in order to ensure the fulfillment of local tastes.
With the end of the Lebanese Civil war, it was time for the company to expand into larger markets in Lebanon, thus the first outlet was established in Mar Maroun. The new found space helped in introducing new offerings such as furniture, where a
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factory specializing in luxury furniture was founded.With business growing, the need for more outlets was a necessity, and thus the obvious expansion towards Lebanon's capital Beirut. Moreover, representation offices in Syria, Saudi Arabia, Dubai and Qatar were set up to serve more tastes in the Arab World.
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