Grand Cinemas (Las Salinas) - Lebanon

Grand Cinemas (Las Salinas)
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Grand Cinemas (Las Salinas)
9P7P+JCC, Anfeh, Lebanon
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Grand Cinemas has consistently strived to set the industry standard and succeeded, the proof evident in the steady proliferation of theatres. In July 2007, GC launched at ABC Mall Achrafieh. Implementing its mission to invest in west Beirut, the company went on to re-inaugurate Verdun's Grand Concorde in 2008, in the same year also taking the brand north, with Enfeh's Grand Las Salinas. 2008 and 2009 were an exciting time to be part of the Grand Cinemas experience with the introduction of three of cinema's most advanced services: E/TICKET, E/KIOSK and DIGITAL 3D.

Following the opening of Grand Saida, The Spot, in February 2011, June 2012 marked the launch of Grand Cinemas ABC Dbayeh, the jewel in the GC crown, the fifth multiplex in Lebanon in less than five years, and home of the  
Show more region's very first VIP theatre - Grand Class. Also in 2012, Grand Cinemas took its first steps into the Kuwaiti market with the inauguration of a state-of-the-art multiplex in Kuwait's highest tower, Al Hamra Luxury Center. In 2013, in addition to Grand’s introduction of the region's very first cinema-dedicated mobile application, Selim Ramia & Co partnered with Al Taher for Cinemas and Eagle Films to launch the largest cinema complex in the Levant at Jordan’s Taj Mall. This was followed in July 2015 with the opening of GC's second multiplex in Kuwait at the Gate Mall.

The year 2017 marked not only Grand Cinemas’ 10th anniversary in Lebanon, but also the launch of its newest flagship location in the heart of Beirut at ABC Verdun, boasting the country’s first MX4D experience. Join us as we re-write the rules of entertainment!

At Grand Cinemas, we care deeply about our community. As such, we take pride in our efforts to engage in public initiatives, promote awareness for important causes, and share our resources for the betterment of our society. An initiative that is near and dear to our hearts was launched in April 2016 in collaboration with SESOBEL. Rolling out the red carpet for all children with autism, Grand Cinemas ABC Dbayeh will host a special movie screening on every third Thursday of the month featuring the latest releases in a sensory-friendly environment of adequate lighting and reduced volume throughout the show. In addition, Grand Cinemas has pledged all profits of the special screenings to the autism program at SESOBEL. To reach out to us about your causes and events, please contact
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Branches 4

VFMM+QP2, Baabda
Verdun st, Verdun

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