Abbas Fadi Ahmed - Beirut, Lebanon
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Company name
Abbas Fadi Ahmed
Tallet el Khayat, Ras Beirut, Lebanon
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Dr Fadi ABBAS Establishment year
2008E-mail address
Company description
Based in Beirut, Lebanon. We are a Team from Western European Universities and Northern American schools willing to provide top standard of care and multidisciplinary management.
As a CEO, My name is Dr Fadi Abbas, previous assistant professor in Medical oncology and lecturer in the University Pierre et Marie Curie, Paris VI.
It is a great pleasure to come back home and share all those years of serious works done in the biggest University Hospitals facilities in France engaged in combating cancer.
In a non time through active public relations, I had the pleasure to meet fantastic physicians and healthcare providers here in Beirut, involved in the management of cancer, and coming from top universities, and well known worldwide and willing to work in group to provide best
Involved in all aspects of cancer from diagnosis, to surgery, radiotherapy, chemotherapy, best supportive care and pain management. We cooperate will all facilities exisitng in Lebanon (Laboratories, Radiology diagnostic centers, nuclear medicine facilities, surgeons, and hospitals). I quickly understood once I have come to Beirut, that healthcare providers in Lebanon and specially those involved in combating cancer, are spread over the country, and it is for the best for patients, to create a network, rather than limited to one facility.
Finaly, Beirut, the capital of the middle east, with thousands years of history, is a fantastic place specially for foreigners who are seeking, also the beauty of our nature, seaside and mountain view, the hospitality of the people, their warmth, the human size of a country,
The healthy and tasty Lebanese food, the cosmpolitan city of arts, litterature. The place where the most interesting medical conferences take place. It is a melting pot between the west and the east, and a fascinating mix.
As a CEO, My name is Dr Fadi Abbas, previous assistant professor in Medical oncology and lecturer in the University Pierre et Marie Curie, Paris VI.
It is a great pleasure to come back home and share all those years of serious works done in the biggest University Hospitals facilities in France engaged in combating cancer.
In a non time through active public relations, I had the pleasure to meet fantastic physicians and healthcare providers here in Beirut, involved in the management of cancer, and coming from top universities, and well known worldwide and willing to work in group to provide best
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care for cancer patients, from the smallest detail to the biggest all with ISO standard, and high accreditation criterias (HAS criteria of all the settings we are involved for managing patients)Involved in all aspects of cancer from diagnosis, to surgery, radiotherapy, chemotherapy, best supportive care and pain management. We cooperate will all facilities exisitng in Lebanon (Laboratories, Radiology diagnostic centers, nuclear medicine facilities, surgeons, and hospitals). I quickly understood once I have come to Beirut, that healthcare providers in Lebanon and specially those involved in combating cancer, are spread over the country, and it is for the best for patients, to create a network, rather than limited to one facility.
Finaly, Beirut, the capital of the middle east, with thousands years of history, is a fantastic place specially for foreigners who are seeking, also the beauty of our nature, seaside and mountain view, the hospitality of the people, their warmth, the human size of a country,
The healthy and tasty Lebanese food, the cosmpolitan city of arts, litterature. The place where the most interesting medical conferences take place. It is a melting pot between the west and the east, and a fascinating mix.
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