Barich, Dispensaire - Tyre, Lebanon
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Barich, Dispensaire
Barish, Tyr, Tyre, Lebanon
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Questions & Answers
Dear Sirs:
I have been suffering with severe chronic pain for over a year now.
The cancer is spreading and I am not sure how much longer I can take the pain.!?
I require a high quality supply of papaver somniferum raw crude paste/resins to consume orally or injest in vapour form on a daily basis.
Can you please help me?
Or could you please refer me to a dispensary that can.
Thank you, George.
I have been suffering with severe chronic pain for over a year now.
The cancer is spreading and I am not sure how much longer I can take the pain.!?
I require a high quality supply of papaver somniferum raw crude paste/resins to consume orally or injest in vapour form on a daily basis.
Can you please help me?
Or could you please refer me to a dispensary that can.
Thank you, George.
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