Pierre khazen for physical and emotional therapy - Beirut, Lebanon
Pierre khazen for physical and emotional therapy
5 Reviews
Pierre khazen for physical and emotional therapy JAL el dib and jounieh70446722https://www.yelleb.com/img/lb/e/_1494342340-90-pierre-khazen-physical-therapy-home-care.jpg
- Verified
Listing - +8Years
With Us
Company name
Pierre khazen for physical and emotional therapy
JAL el dib and jounieh, Beirut, Lebanon
Contact number
Mobile phone
Website address
Working hours
- Monday: 8am - 7pm
- Tuesday: 8am - 7pm
- Wednesday: 8am - 7pm
- Thursday: 8am - 7pm
- Friday: 8am - 7pm
- Saturday: Closed
- Sunday: Closed
Company manager Pierre Khazen
Establishment year 2002
Employees 1-5
E-mail address
Company description
Pierre's Healthcare Services
We customize a rehabilitation program around the individual needs and provide evaluations, treatments and education for individuals with total joint replacements, orthopedic conditions, neurological disorders, and pulmonary rehabilitation.
Specialized in neuro-pediatrics rehabilitation.
We also work with the family and community resources to maximize the patient's rehabilitation process.
We customize a rehabilitation program around the individual needs and provide evaluations, treatments and education for individuals with total joint replacements, orthopedic conditions, neurological disorders, and pulmonary rehabilitation.
Specialized in neuro-pediatrics rehabilitation.
We also work with the family and community resources to maximize the patient's rehabilitation process.
Listed in categories
Products & Services (3)
- Pulmonary RehabilitationPulmonary rehabilitation (PR) can have many parts, and not all programs offer ev...
- Stroke & Neurological RehabilitationNeurological rehabilitation is a program designed for people with diseases, trau...
- Rheumatology Rehabilitation.A Rheumatology Physiotherapist has a special interest in working with patients w...
Pierre khazen for physical and emotional therapy JAL el dib and jounieh70446722https://www.yelleb.com/img/lb/e/_1494342340-90-pierre-khazen-physical-therapy-home-care.jpg
I am honored to say that Pierre Khazen is one of the best physical therapist i have ever met.
He works hard, pushes people, and curious to know every detail.
Me as his old student hopes that one day i get the chance to work with him.
He works hard, pushes people, and curious to know every detail.
Me as his old student hopes that one day i get the chance to work with him.
Pierre khazen for physical and emotional therapy JAL el dib and jounieh70446722https://www.yelleb.com/img/lb/e/_1494342340-90-pierre-khazen-physical-therapy-home-care.jpg
Great physiotherapist, patient, very knowledgeable about his field and meticulous to the smallest details. Pierre has helped me throughout my fitness injuries for 5 years now and I still consult him for sports related injury or for preventive exercises. I would highly recommend Pierre for any patient in any age.
Pierre khazen for physical and emotional therapy JAL el dib and jounieh70446722https://www.yelleb.com/img/lb/e/_1494342340-90-pierre-khazen-physical-therapy-home-care.jpg
The most professional therapist i have seen. He was the only person that managed to remove the nerves' infection around my anckle, without using any type of medicine since it was just after my sleeve surgery and antibiotics were forbidded at that time.
Pierre has all the credit for my healthy anckles situation in having now!
Pierre has all the credit for my healthy anckles situation in having now!
Pierre khazen for physical and emotional therapy JAL el dib and jounieh70446722https://www.yelleb.com/img/lb/e/_1494342340-90-pierre-khazen-physical-therapy-home-care.jpg
I had an operation for my knee which needed therapy so that i can walk correctly in a short period of time and with pierre's help this was accomplished easily
Pierre khazen for physical and emotional therapy JAL el dib and jounieh70446722https://www.yelleb.com/img/lb/e/_1494342340-90-pierre-khazen-physical-therapy-home-care.jpg
One of the best physical therapists in town !
Highly recommended physician
Highly recommended physician
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