MTV Lebanon - Lebanon
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MTV Lebanon
New Church Road, Naqqache, Lebanon
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Working hours
- Monday: Always open
- Tuesday: Always open
- Wednesday: Always open
- Thursday: Always open
- Friday: Always open
- Saturday: Always open
- Sunday: Always open
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Company description
MTV’s vision is to be the leading independent media station in Lebanon and the Arab world, serving as the catalyst and vehicle for inclusion and regional well-being, and endorsing reform and advancement from within societies.
MTV strives to become the indisputable symbol for the values of thought independence, social responsibility, freedom of expression and continuous betterment.
MTV was established in 1991 as a TV channel that sought to cater to the complexity and richness of its Lebanese viewers’ identity by creating a balanced mix of local, Arab, and western media content, with a special emphasis on producing local programming that is tailored to its audience and reflects their aspirations and values.
In addition to its unique approach to programming, MTV also led the way
MTV’s mission is to enhance the media’s role in Lebanon and the Arab world, to participate in the advancement of independent thought, and to serve the interests and the well-being of society while assuring its commitment to shareholders.
MTV strives to be the region’s media role model in terms of transparency and social responsibility, delivering on its pledged values by providing its viewers with content that informs, entertains, develops minds and ripens individuals, free of any bias.
MTV strives to become the indisputable symbol for the values of thought independence, social responsibility, freedom of expression and continuous betterment.
MTV was established in 1991 as a TV channel that sought to cater to the complexity and richness of its Lebanese viewers’ identity by creating a balanced mix of local, Arab, and western media content, with a special emphasis on producing local programming that is tailored to its audience and reflects their aspirations and values.
In addition to its unique approach to programming, MTV also led the way
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in terms of its adoption of self-regulation and a clear code of ethics, in a country where the media sector is completely unregulated, thus becoming the first station to abide by international best practices while legally acquiring foreign formats and rights-to-air.MTV’s mission is to enhance the media’s role in Lebanon and the Arab world, to participate in the advancement of independent thought, and to serve the interests and the well-being of society while assuring its commitment to shareholders.
MTV strives to be the region’s media role model in terms of transparency and social responsibility, delivering on its pledged values by providing its viewers with content that informs, entertains, develops minds and ripens individuals, free of any bias.
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