Greta Moutran Samaha M.D Acupuncture - Beirut, Lebanon
Greta Moutran Samaha M.D Acupuncture
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Greta Moutran Samaha M.D Acupuncture Horsh Tabet Sinelfil 71 567 536
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Listing - +11Years
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Company name
Greta Moutran Samaha M.D Acupuncture
Horsh Tabet Sinelfil , Beirut, Lebanon
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Contact Person
Greta Moutran Samaha,71 567536,gretasamaha@yahoo.comCompany manager
Greta SamahaEstablishment year
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Company description
Greta Moutran Samaha MD Anesthesiologist Acupuncture.
My name is Greta Moutran Samaha got my medical degree from faculte de medecine Paris VI specialized in anesthesiology reanimation pain clinic and acupuncture.
Having more than 35 years experience treating pain as an anesthesiologist, im an acupuncture doctor .
Acupuncture when used with conventIonal medical care treats not only your physical body but also your mind.
What is Acupuncture?
Acupuncture is a system of healthcare, which has been practiced for more than 3000 years. It is a routine part of the practice of medicine in China (traditional chinese medicine) that uses the body’s energy or Qi (chee) .
Acupuncture uses very fine, sterile, single-use needles placed in specific locations around the body to manipulate
How does it work?
Classical acupuncture is based on the theory that vital energy, called qi, flows through the body along pathways called meridians. There are specific points along these meridians, called acupuncture points, or acupoints, at which the qi may be accessed. Inserting needles into these points permits the practitioner to restore harmony to the system by rebalancing the flow of qi.
acupuncture is thought to relieve pain when small diameter muscle afferents are stimulated, sending impulses to the spinal cord, which then activates 3 centers (spinal cord, midbrain, and pituitary) to release neurochemicals (endorphins and monoamines) that block pain message.
acupuncture can treat many types of pain conditions such as :
Arthritis, Cervical Spondylopathy, Knee Pain, Hand and Foot Pain, Sciatica, Shoulder Pain, Tennis Elbow, Lower Back and Neck Pain, Tendonitis, etc.
More than half of my patients who suffered from different pains visited my office. Most of them have received satisfied treatment results. I have some patients who suffered injury due to car or sports accidents. They are also very pleased with acupuncture treatment.
Headache & Migraines
Patients that have had headaches or migraines for many years. Before accepting acupuncture treatment, they have tried almost everything. However, none of these approaches really worked. After having acupuncture treatment, they felt remarkable improvement of their condition.
Quit Smoking:
It usually takes three to five sessions of acupuncture treatment to have smokers to quit. Or cut down
Other Conditions
I have successfully treated other diseases and conditions such as titinus ,Anxiety and Depression, Facial Paralysis, Insomnia, Neuralgia, Stroke Rehabilitation, TMJ.
Clinic located?
Acupuncture Horsh Tabet in sinelfil beirut.
Can be reach by phone 961 71567536
Or email : gretasamaha@
My name is Greta Moutran Samaha got my medical degree from faculte de medecine Paris VI specialized in anesthesiology reanimation pain clinic and acupuncture.
Having more than 35 years experience treating pain as an anesthesiologist, im an acupuncture doctor .
Acupuncture when used with conventIonal medical care treats not only your physical body but also your mind.
What is Acupuncture?
Acupuncture is a system of healthcare, which has been practiced for more than 3000 years. It is a routine part of the practice of medicine in China (traditional chinese medicine) that uses the body’s energy or Qi (chee) .
Acupuncture uses very fine, sterile, single-use needles placed in specific locations around the body to manipulate
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that energy. There are acupuncture points all over the body, including the face and scalp and ear. Where you will have needles placed will depend on your signs and symptoms.How does it work?
Classical acupuncture is based on the theory that vital energy, called qi, flows through the body along pathways called meridians. There are specific points along these meridians, called acupuncture points, or acupoints, at which the qi may be accessed. Inserting needles into these points permits the practitioner to restore harmony to the system by rebalancing the flow of qi.
acupuncture is thought to relieve pain when small diameter muscle afferents are stimulated, sending impulses to the spinal cord, which then activates 3 centers (spinal cord, midbrain, and pituitary) to release neurochemicals (endorphins and monoamines) that block pain message.
acupuncture can treat many types of pain conditions such as :
Arthritis, Cervical Spondylopathy, Knee Pain, Hand and Foot Pain, Sciatica, Shoulder Pain, Tennis Elbow, Lower Back and Neck Pain, Tendonitis, etc.
More than half of my patients who suffered from different pains visited my office. Most of them have received satisfied treatment results. I have some patients who suffered injury due to car or sports accidents. They are also very pleased with acupuncture treatment.
Headache & Migraines
Patients that have had headaches or migraines for many years. Before accepting acupuncture treatment, they have tried almost everything. However, none of these approaches really worked. After having acupuncture treatment, they felt remarkable improvement of their condition.
Quit Smoking:
It usually takes three to five sessions of acupuncture treatment to have smokers to quit. Or cut down
Other Conditions
I have successfully treated other diseases and conditions such as titinus ,Anxiety and Depression, Facial Paralysis, Insomnia, Neuralgia, Stroke Rehabilitation, TMJ.
Clinic located?
Acupuncture Horsh Tabet in sinelfil beirut.
Can be reach by phone 961 71567536
Or email : gretasamaha@
Listed in categories
Products & Services 8
- acupuncture to stop smokingear acupuncture can help you stop smoking
Greta Moutran Samaha M.D Acupuncture Horsh Tabet Sinelfil 71 567 536
Great experience
Great doctor and great acupuncture experience! Would most definitely recommend!!
Came in for back pain and smoking cessation. It worked! No more pain and no more cigarettes
H. B
Came in for back pain and smoking cessation. It worked! No more pain and no more cigarettes
H. B
Thank you Julia!
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