Dr. Anita Toutikian Licensed Psychotherapist - Beirut, Lebanon
Dr. Anita Toutikian Licensed Psychotherapist
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Dr. Anita Toutikian Licensed PsychotherapistAchrafiyeh, El Roum Hospital Street, Medica Building, 2nd Floor961-3-711131https://www.yelleb.com/img/lb/a/_1423895445-12-anita-toutikian-clinic-for-psychotherapy.jpg
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Dr. Anita Toutikian Licensed Psychotherapist
Achrafiyeh, El Roum Hospital Street, Medica Building, 2nd Floor, Beirut, Lebanon
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The Clinic welcomes clients for a diverse range of psychological needs, it provides:
1- Counseling and Support for Life Challenges (Work, Stress, Conflict, Uncertainty, Instability, Loss, Grief, Loneliness, Hopelessness, Disappointment, Illness, Change, Obligations, Isolation, Reputation, and Critical Decisions )
2- Counseling and Support for Uncomfortable Feelings (Anger, Fear, Anxiety, Sadness, Unease, Insecurity, Guilt, Shame, Frustration, Embarrassment, Resentment, Insult, Remorse, Worthlessness, Defeat, Indecisiveness, Denial, Despair, Under-appreciated, Exploited, Neglected, Misunderstood, Misjudged, Mistreated )
3- Counseling and Therapy for Uncomfortable Thoughts (Regret, Revenge, Hate, Injustice, Betrayal, Bully, Distrust, Alienation, Ostracisation,
4- Counseling and Therapy for Uncomfortable Behaviors (Under-productivity, Overwork, Overthinking, Excessive Cleanliness and Tidiness, Time Mismanagement, Overreaction, Disorganization, Procrastination, Self Defeating Decisions, Intentional Failing Decisions, Self Sabotage, Self Harm, Avoidance, Dependence, Social Maladjustment, Abuse, Violence, Harm to Others, Domestic Violence, )
5- Counseling and Support for Relational Difficulties and Conflicts (Marriage, Couples, Friendship, Family and Children, Relatives, Colleagues, Coworkers, Partners, Siblings, In Laws, Extended Family, Reconstituted Families, Adoption, Separation, Divorce, Death )
6- Counseling and Therapy for Complicated Body-Mind Reactions and Conflicts ( Panic Attacks, Obsessive Compulsive Disorders, Trichotillomania, Overeating, Under-eating, Chronic Fatigue, Sudden Headaches, Irritable Bowel Syndrome, Danger Seeking Habits, Extreme Diets, Extreme Sleep, Extreme Exercise, Extreme Hobbies, Irritable Skin, Self Injury, Unhealthy Scalp, Skin Scratching, Nail Biting, Skin Cutting, Muscle Tensions, Inexplicable Pains, Excessive Self Medication, Speech Complications)
7- Counseling and Therapy for Addictive Behaviors (Repetitive Thoughts, Extreme Spending, Unhealthy Eating and Drinking)
8- Counseling and Therapy for Healing From Traumatic Experiences
9- Counseling and Therapy for Healing From Abusive Experiences
1- Counseling and Support for Life Challenges (Work, Stress, Conflict, Uncertainty, Instability, Loss, Grief, Loneliness, Hopelessness, Disappointment, Illness, Change, Obligations, Isolation, Reputation, and Critical Decisions )
2- Counseling and Support for Uncomfortable Feelings (Anger, Fear, Anxiety, Sadness, Unease, Insecurity, Guilt, Shame, Frustration, Embarrassment, Resentment, Insult, Remorse, Worthlessness, Defeat, Indecisiveness, Denial, Despair, Under-appreciated, Exploited, Neglected, Misunderstood, Misjudged, Mistreated )
3- Counseling and Therapy for Uncomfortable Thoughts (Regret, Revenge, Hate, Injustice, Betrayal, Bully, Distrust, Alienation, Ostracisation,
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Resistance, Bitterness, Indifference, Hostility, Self Deprecation, Self Blame, Self Discouragement, Self Dislike )4- Counseling and Therapy for Uncomfortable Behaviors (Under-productivity, Overwork, Overthinking, Excessive Cleanliness and Tidiness, Time Mismanagement, Overreaction, Disorganization, Procrastination, Self Defeating Decisions, Intentional Failing Decisions, Self Sabotage, Self Harm, Avoidance, Dependence, Social Maladjustment, Abuse, Violence, Harm to Others, Domestic Violence, )
5- Counseling and Support for Relational Difficulties and Conflicts (Marriage, Couples, Friendship, Family and Children, Relatives, Colleagues, Coworkers, Partners, Siblings, In Laws, Extended Family, Reconstituted Families, Adoption, Separation, Divorce, Death )
6- Counseling and Therapy for Complicated Body-Mind Reactions and Conflicts ( Panic Attacks, Obsessive Compulsive Disorders, Trichotillomania, Overeating, Under-eating, Chronic Fatigue, Sudden Headaches, Irritable Bowel Syndrome, Danger Seeking Habits, Extreme Diets, Extreme Sleep, Extreme Exercise, Extreme Hobbies, Irritable Skin, Self Injury, Unhealthy Scalp, Skin Scratching, Nail Biting, Skin Cutting, Muscle Tensions, Inexplicable Pains, Excessive Self Medication, Speech Complications)
7- Counseling and Therapy for Addictive Behaviors (Repetitive Thoughts, Extreme Spending, Unhealthy Eating and Drinking)
8- Counseling and Therapy for Healing From Traumatic Experiences
9- Counseling and Therapy for Healing From Abusive Experiences
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Products & Services 3
- AssessmentThe is a detailed investigation about the source of a psycho...
- CounselingCounseling is a chance to talk over what is on your mind. We...
- PsychotherapyPsychotherapy consists of a series of techniques for treatin...
Dr. Anita Toutikian Licensed PsychotherapistAchrafiyeh, El Roum Hospital Street, Medica Building, 2nd Floor961-3-711131https://www.yelleb.com/img/lb/a/_1423895445-12-anita-toutikian-clinic-for-psychotherapy.jpg
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