
Looking for companies by tag Sewing in Lebanon? Find in our directory the list of companies by tag Sewing in Lebanon.

We found 844 companies. Page 28

Labban Mouafak Ahmed

Tadros st, Ras el Nabeh, Beirut, Lebanon

Lahlouh Najiha Mahmoud

Bkersouna, Sir el Denniyeh, Lebanon

Lahoud Ghattas Youssef

Furn el Shebbak, Ain Remmaneh, Beirut, Lebanon

Lahoud Ghazi Youssef

Arax st, Nahr, Beirut, Lebanon

Lahoud Nicolas Ayoub Azar

Maghdousheh, Lebanon

Lamk Madeleine Sélim

Dekwaneh, Jdeideh, Beirut, Lebanon

Lidawi Bassam Ahmed

Ras el Nabeh, Beirut, Lebanon

Maalouf Azar Rached

Zahleh bvd, Zahleh, Lebanon

Maalouf Nawal Sélim

Asseyli st, Jdeideh, Beirut, Lebanon

Maarbani Hala Hassan

Zahriyeh, Tripoli, Lebanon

Madani Salma Kassem

Baawarta, Abay, Lebanon

Maghzal Jean Fathallah

Dora, Beirut, Lebanon

Mahmoud Ali Sleiman

Nejmeh Square, Saida, Lebanon

Mahmoud Leila Ahmed

Tripoli, Lebanon

Mahmoud Mohamed Ahmed

Bir el Abed, Haret Hreyk, Beirut, Lebanon

Mahmoud Selman Ahmed

Baal Mohsen, Tripoli, Lebanon

Maison de Couture

Tabaris, Beirut, Lebanon

Majanini Nazek Badr

Mina, Tripoli, Lebanon
+961-6-203162 (home)

Makhoul Maroun Toufic Gergi

Tanbourit, Saida, Lebanon

Makhzoumi Nadine Chucri

Asli st, Ashrafieh, Beirut, Lebanon
844 companies